Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Halloween Spookeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

30th October 2013

Buddies baked Tandoori Aloo (grill Potatoes) and did some Halloween crafts

 This was Siddhart's Halloween Parata Dinner :)

Deepavali Craft & Snacks

28th October 2013

Time of the year for the festival of lights. Buddies did decorative diya (lamp), a nice wall hanging and made yummy & healthy snack for all mums :)

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Fraction (half & whole) & understanding tens & hundred quantitatively

23rd October 2013

In this session focus was to introduce buddies to fractions through experiential activities so they
  • incorporate their senses
  • invite them to experiment and make observations
  • let them learn at their own rate, and
  • allow them time to investigate a topic further

I avoid worksheets to teach concepts so with the activities designed they are able to visualize fractions and understanding that fraction segments are equal parts of a larger object. These skills are necessary for more advanced fraction concepts in future.

Sorting, Counting, Understnding tens & Addition

7th October 2013

Sorting is a way to organize and make sense of their environment. Sorting or classifying is a beginning math skill that expands into sorting data into groups or sets in the elementary years. Sorting helps children understand things are alike and different which is vital to learning , analyzing and understanding different texture, color, shapes, color, quantity etc....This type of thinking starts them on the path of applying logical thinking to objects, mathematical concepts and every day life in general.