Wednesday 5 June 2013

Toddlers Texture Try

29th May 2013

The session starts with recap of stack up fun and yellow and red color. Data retrieval all in nano seconds :) 
Followed by Texture Try and learning Circle Shape

Super fast learners.

 In introducing different textures, I basically went through the house and found interesting textures. I really didn’t get very creative with my textures, however all Buddies still were entertained! Loved as everyone showed a lot of interest in eating up the material for Texture Try session than actually squeezing and feeling. 
The teachable moment was to repeatedly tell what's special about each texture/surface :)  (smooth, rough, soft hard, sticky, shiny …)

All loved Boiled carrot however Ridhima loved the raw too as its hard and she is teething :)

All loved to eat the sticky and soft pasta and want more !!!!!

Potatoes !!!!! I love to peel, I love to eat, Oops I didn't like carrot were sweet!!

Pee Ka Boo time

Foil paper makes a different sound too!!!

Look I am trying to be independent !!!!!

Circle Circle 

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